Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Time for Joyful Moments

My sister, Michelle
Recently life circumstances have brought my sister to the difficult task of single parenthood. She found herself looking a home, struggling to make ends meet, applying for scholarships and grants, and arranging for childcare while going back to school.  
I watch her as she squares her shoulders to this task, bravely stepping onto unfamiliar paths that seem so daunting. She is a remarkable example of faith and courage. Though she works herself to exhaustion, her cheerful outlook on life is so inspiring!  It literally radiates from her even through her most challenging trial.  
She has a beautiful gift in art.  It just flows naturally from her.  It medium doesn't seem to matter - clay, quilting, cake decorating, pencils - you name it she can use her hands to create something remarkable.  Years have passed and the busyness of motherhood (she is the mother of 9!) squeezed that from her life.  
Finding herself back in school, she decided to take an art class.  She shared with me tonight that it was like something that had died inside of her long ago suddenly sprang back to life. The feel of the brush in her hand, the smell of the paints - all of it flooded back, bringing with it a rush of tears.  She realized just how much her soul had been aching for the things that brought her joyful, satisfying moments in life. She said, "It made me wonder why I waited so long.  It was sad to think all this time passed with out doing one of the things I love the most."  

It is important to make time to do the things we love.  Sometimes when we are going through tough times we feel as though we can't possibly turn to joy, and so we push it back and bury it deep within.  The truth is, that turning to those things can help sustain us during our most difficult days.  It could be something as simple as taking a bath.  When we become empty, how is it that we can give back to everyone who depends on us?   

What is it that YOU love?  When was the last time you did that?  Plan to do at least one thing that brings joy into your life this week. If you keep putting it off until tomorrow, before you know it, years will have flown by.

Here is the picture that she painted - Her first time doing oils.  Isn't she amazing?

I am so proud of you, sister 'o mine! Thanks for being an example to all of us and letting me share your story.

Oil portrait by Michelle Furniss
  Below is the actual photograph that she painted from.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Foot Zoning & Energy Work

I recently began taking a Foot Zoning class after learning of the multitude of benefits that this modality of healing has to offer. 
The course I am taking is through WeDoFeet Seminars by Brad and Susan Noall. Brad and Susan have been teaching these seminars now for 11 years and have trained several wonderful instructors. My instructor is Kathy Atkinson, founder of Mind Body and Sole in Centerville, UT. 
When I gradutate in May of 2013, I will be a certified Foot Zone Therapist having completed 180 hours of training and at least another 80 hours of practical application.

What is Foot Zoning?
Each day our bodies are bombarded with toxins, stress, viruses, sickness, emotions, and habits that can disrupt our energy flow. When this energy flow becomes blocked or jumbled, it can often be the beginning of illness.

The feet are connected to all the parts of your body through meridians. Foot zoning is a technique used to access your body through these meridians. The intent with energy work through the feet is to create a way for the body to rejuvenate, restore, and rebuild itself by returning it to a healthy flow of circulation both physically and energetically.
Read more on my newest page, Foot Zoning & Energy Work.